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On the busses

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On the busses

Guernsey is such a beautiful island to live and work on. I feel I'm quite appreciative of the island but every now and again something comes up that makes me think...

On a tour yesterday I had to do a spot of reversing down a very tight lane and it was met with a round of applause! Our group for the day genuinely thought I was joking when I told them the road we were on was a "2 way street" so were quite surprised to meet a vehicle coming the other way (thankfully it doesn't happen often!)

A common phrase in Guernsey when passing someone in a tight lane is: "you'd get a bus through there mate!" , thankfully, once we depart from St Peter Port we don't usually see another bus until we reach the West Coast - ensuring you get off the beaten track and see "behind the scenes" of the REAL Guernsey.

Hail to the bus driver!

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